Tuesday, January 21, 2020

25 Things to Purge Right Now

The new year is a great time to start decluttering your home little by little. Even fifteen minutes a day spent on clearing out clutter can make a big difference. Here is a list of 25 things to purge from your house:

  1. Expired makeup- head to your bathroom and clean out all the expired makeup or even makeup you haven’t used in the past 6 months. Here’s an article about expiration dates for different types of makeup: https://www.bustle.com/articles/37864-makeup-expiration-date-guidelines-you-might-be-tossing-your-mascara-more-often-than-you-need-to
  2. Magazines and books you never plan on reading again 
  3. Towels with holes or stains. Usually,  animal shelters love donations of old towels for the animals in their care.
  4. Clothes that no longer fit or you don’t wear anymore. This applies to everyone in the household. I kindly asked husband to donate clothes he no longer wears, I would never go through and purge his clothing myself.
  5. Socks without pairs. Haven’t found the match in 3 months, it’s probably never going to turn up. 
  6. Toys that are broken 
  7. Toys that are outgrown
  8. Puzzles missing pieces 
  9. DVD’s you don’t plan on re-watching or that just aren’t favourites.
  10.  Expired food items from the fridge and pantry 
  11. Old cell phones and their chargers
  12. Bank statements you don’t need. Try going paperless and switch to electronic statements 
  13. Bills that have been paid and aren’t needed. Try opting for e bills instead. 
  14. Expired coupons 
  15. Jewellery you never wear 
  16. Old, expired medicines 
  17. Storage containers without lids 
  18. Old school papers and excess art work, keep your favourites and recycle the rest. I have a art portfolio for each kid that I purchased here. https://www.amazon.ca/ALEX-Toys-Artist-Studio-Portfolio/dp/B0038Z5LPS/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?keywords=art+portfolio&qid=1579640974&sprefix=art+portfol&sr=8-15
  19. Old paint 
  20. Recipe books you don’t use 
  21. Extra plastic bags from stores 
  22. Novelty cups that never get used and aren’t sentimental 
  23. Old pet toys and supplies that aren’t used or needed 
  24. Old nail polishes and perfumes 
  25. Worn bedding or extra bedding and blankets that can be donated
A lot of these items can be giving away or donated. However, some are definitely trash like broken or expired items. I hope this list helps you to declutter some things from your home that you no longer need.

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