Tuesday, November 26, 2019

10 Little Known Facts About Myself

As a new blogger, I thought I would share a little bit about myself to all my followers. I am by no means a super interesting person, but here are ten little known facts about myself!

  1. I am born and raised in Grande Prairie and so is my husband. We actually went to the same high school as well but I was a few years behind him and we never met until one night when we were both in Edmonton!
  2. I was homeschooled from Grade 3 to Grade 6. My Mom was an elementary teacher and homeschooled all three of us kids for a few years. 
  3. Growing up we had four cats at one point! I was also very fortunate to have a horse from age ten until just last year.
  4. I have dislocated my shoulders four times. Three times for the right and one time for the left. My favourite sport is still volleyball and I’m quite careful while playing.
  5. I used to be a snowboard fanatic. It’s actually something my husband and I did frequently while dating. I haven’t been on a snowboard for about 7 years now. Hopefully, one day I’ll get back into it. 
  6. My first vehicle, when I was 16, was a blue truck! I loved it and fondly name the truck Blue Belle.
  7. If I were to go on vacation, I would prefer places like Scotland, Ireland and New Zealand to a beach vacation.
  8. My brother and sister in law live in Paris right now!
  9. I have an intolerance to most alcohol. This started after having my second child. I get super flushed and hot. I haven’t quite figured out what types of alcohol causes the reaction and what doesn’t. 
  10. I can’t stand scary or overly gorey movies.
There you have it! Ten facts about myself. If you’d like to share please leave a little known fact about yourself in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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